本文探讨了涤棉织物松堆丝光工艺的机理,对松堆丝光的工艺参数及丝光效果作了试验和测试,并与常规丝光工艺作了对比试验。试验表明,松堆丝光碱浓为170~180 g/l;织物带碱时间充分,利于碱液渗透;由于毋需张力,可利用轧车和J型箱进行松堆,利用现有丝光设备进行扩幅去碱;其丝光效果优于常规丝光工艺。
The author discusses the principle of the slack batched mercerizing process for T/C blended fabrics.The process parameters of the relax mercerizing process and its mercerizing effect are tested and examined.Comparison with normal mercerizing process shows that fabrics with caustic soda have enough dwell time lor better penetration at a concentration of 170-180 g/1 of caustic soda, thus an ordinary padder and J-box together with normal mercerizing machine can be utilized for this mercerizing method.
China Dyeing and Finishing