
施氮水平对甘蔗苗期氮磷钾吸收与分配的影响 被引量:7

Effects of nitrogen levels on absorption and distribution of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium of sugarcane in early growth stage
摘要 以新台糖22号(ROC22)为试材,采用网室微区盆栽试验方法,基肥设^15N标记尿素0.75、1.5、2.25g/盆3个施氮水平,研究了施氮水平对甘蔗苗期氮磷钾吸收与分配的影响。结果表明:甘蔗吸收的氮素15.18%~16.77%来自施用的氮肥,83.23%~84.82%来自土壤和种茎;甘蔗氮肥利用率为1.76%~3.44%。随施氮水平的提高,甘蔗幼苗干物质、N、P、K积累,以及来源于肥料氮素比率呈增加趋势,但氮肥利用率显著下降;N与P、K表现出一定的协同作用。施氮水平主要影响氮磷钾尤其是肥料N在甘蔗地下部分器官的分配。 In this micro-plot experiment, sugarcane varieties ROC22 was used as experimental materials, and three nitrogen levels were desiged with 0.75 g, 1.5 g and 2.25 g 15N-labeled urea/pot at sowing time respectively, to study the influences of nitrogen levels on absorption and distribution N, P, K of sugarcane in early growth stage. The results showed that 15.18%-16.77% nitrogen of sugarcane accumulation was derived from nitrogen fertilizer, and 83.23%-84.82% was from soil and seed-stem. The nitrogen utilization rate of sugarcane was 1.76%-3.44%. The dry matter accumulation, nitrogen accumulation, phosphorus accumulation, potassium accumulation and the proportion of N from nitrogen fertilizer in sugarcane plant showed a increasing trend with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer, while nitrogen utilization rate of sugarcane decreased significantly. N showed a synergy relationship with P and K. The nitrogen levels had influenced on N, P and K, especially fertilizer-nitrogen distribution in sugarcane roots.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第21期73-75,共3页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 广西自然科学基金(桂科自0832051)
关键词 甘蔗 15N标记 干物质 氮肥利用率 sugarcane nitrogen ^15N-labeled dry matter phosphorus potassium nitrogen utilization rate
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