For exploring me epidemiological tactors and regular patterns of schistosom-iasis in Boyang Lake Region, we have collected the historical informations about the endemic areas and investigated the current prevalance of schistosomiasis at four pilot spots among the endemic areas of different patterns for three years consecutively since 1987. The infection rate and the intensity of infection of inhabitants and domestic animals in islands and on shore of the lake were very high. The main infections sources of infectien in these areas were the infectelcattle and the petients among fisherman. The susceptive places of schistosomiasis were amounted to one-fourth in the total snail infested areas. Children were the susceptiblq population and spring and autumn were highly infective seasons. According to the results of iuvestgation, the authors suggest that the stress strategy and objective of schistosomiasis control in different endemic areas of Boyang Lake Region should be the simultaneous chemotherapy of human objects and domestic animals together with snail eradication at susceptive areas.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control