目的通过健康检查及时掌握教职工的健康状况,为改善教职工的身体健康状况、制定预防措施提供依据。方法对2010年部分教职工健康资料进行统计分析。结果 75.83%的男性职工健康出现异常明显高于女性的66.14%。影响教职工健康的主要疾病是脂肪肝、高血脂、高血压、糖尿病等,患病率分别为,23.44%、18.96%、11.88%、5.42%。结论哈医大教职工健康总体水平不高,对教职工健康状况危害最大的是消化系统疾病和心脑血管疾病,脂肪肝和高血脂不容忽视。应提高重视程度,采取有效应对措施。
Objective To understand the health condition of the faculty of the Harbin Medical University through the physical examinations,so as to provide the evidence for making up preventive measures to improve their health.Methods The data of physical examinations of the whole faculty were analyzed statistically in 2010.Results The dominant diseases impairing the health of the faculty were fatty liver,hypertension,high cholesterol,and diabetes with the prevalence rates of 23.44%,18.96 %,11.88% and 5.42% respectively.Conclusions The health condition of the faculty of the Harbin Medical University is poor.Digestive diseases and cardiovascular diseases are the main harm.Therefore,we should pay more attention to them and take effective countermeasures.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor