
大学生幽默风格与恋爱关系满意度的研究 被引量:3

Correlations between Humor and Satisfaction with Love Relations
摘要 先前的研究显示幽默风格与人际关系间有紧密的关系。因此,选用幽默风格问卷与恋爱关系满意度问卷考察大学生对象中两者之间的关系,结果显示:在亲和型幽默与非适应性幽默上存在性别差异,在适应性幽默上存在恋爱经历的差异,大学生使用的幽默风格由多到少依次是亲和型幽默、自强型幽默、嘲讽型幽默、自贬型幽默,亲和型幽默和嘲讽型幽默对恋爱关系满意度有很强预测性。 Based on the result of previous research that a close correlation exists between humorous personality and interpersonal relationship,questionnaires are adopted on both humorous personality and satisfaction with love relationshjip to investigate the correlation between the two factors among undergraduates.The result reveals that there is gender difference between mild humor,non-compatible humor,and love experience in compatible humor.Order of the frequency of types of humor adopted by the undergraduates are as follows: mild humor,self-enhancing humor,sarcastic humor,self-deprecating humor.Mild humor and sarcastic humor have strong predictability on the satisfaction with love relationship.
出处 《宜宾学院学报》 2011年第9期84-87,共4页 Journal of Yibin University
关键词 大学生 幽默风格 恋爱关系 undergraduate humor style romantic relationship
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