
浅析媒体暴力对观众行为态度的正负面影响 被引量:1

Positive and Negative Impacts of Media Violence to Audience Behavior and Attitude
摘要 当今社会,媒体暴力对观众行为态度的影响已经俨然成为一个值得讨论的话题。国内外的许多专家学者也都对此做了无数的研究,并通过这些研究肯定了受众的行为态度是会受到媒体暴力所影响的。在本文中,我们基于任何事物都有其两面性的特点,客观的去认识媒体暴力的影响力,并阐述如何去避免其负面影响以及如何把负面影响降到最低,从而促进其积极面的发展。 Today's society,media violence on behavior and attitude of the audience already has become a topic worthy of discus-sion.Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars also have done numerous studies,and through these studies confirmed the audience's behavior and attitude will be affected by media violence.In this paper,we have everything on the characteristics of its two sides,the objective to understand the influence of media violence,and explains how to avoid its negative effects and to mini-mize the negative impact,so as to promote the positive aspects of development.
作者 黄妍
出处 《科教导刊》 2011年第32期240-241,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 媒体暴力 行为方式 犯罪 media violence behavior crime
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