
“知识整体理论”及其在管理领域中的应用 被引量:21

Holistic Theory of Knowledge and Its Application in Management Areas
摘要 知识整体理论的提出是探索管理创新内在驱动过程中一次里程碑式的突破。该理论借以系统地阐发感性知识、理性知识和活性知识三者之间的实质性差异及动态关联而摆脱了长期以来管理中存在的窘境,并在"一分为三"的思维框架中彰显批判的反思与学习的辩证关联对于管理的作用。尤为重要的是,在以知识经济为时代特征的管理视阈,许多构建活动的研究和实践应用需要知识整体理论(尤其是活性知识)。诉诸于活性知识从批判性地学习径直通达人自身解放,是知识整体理论的重要洞见、应用及其在管理领域中的独特价值凸现。 The appearance of Holistic Theory of Knowledge is a monumental breakthrough in the process of exploring management innovation.This theory wriggled out of the difficulty which had long been existed in Knowledge Management through elaborating at length on dynamic association and material difference among perceptual knowledge,conceptual knowledge and affectual knowledge,and revealed the dialectical unity between critical reflection and learning which plays an important role in management in the three-fold division frame of mind.The particular importance are the followings,many construction activities and concrete practices need Holistic Theory of Knowledge(especially affectual knowledge) in management fields are characterized by knowledge-based economy.At that point,human beings would be emancipated through critically learning,which are a particular insight,an application and a unique value protruding of Holistic Theory of Knowledge in management areas.
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期125-135,159,共11页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"企业创新力的多层次形成机制研究"(70725005)
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