用成年雄性小鼠颌下腺提纯的 2 5sNGF免疫家兔得到兔抗NGF抗体 ,研制出 2 5sNGFELISA试剂盒。经检测本试剂盒灵敏度达到 1ng ml,在 0 84~ 6 7ng ml范围内线性良好 (r >0 99)。对人、小鼠、大鼠血浆无非特异反应 ,在大鼠血浆中NGF样品回收率在 91%~ 10 7%之间 ,变异系数小于 10 % (n =4)。对NGF参比品进行 6次标定 ,平均值为 13 4± 1 13ng 支 ,板间CV为 8 43% (n =6 ) ,板内CV值均小于 6 % (n =4,3次 )。表明本试剂盒可用于小鼠 2 5sNGF制品的定量检测和药代动力学研究。
An ELISA kit was prepared with the antibody to NGF obtained by immunizing rabbits with the 2.5 sNGF purified from murine submaxillary glands. The sensitivity of the kit reached 1 ng/ml, and, at a range of 0.84 to 6.7 ng/ml, A value(absorbance) showed a good linear correlation with the contents of 2.5 sNGF(r>0.99). No non specific reaction was observed among the kit and the plasma fo human, mice and rats. The recovery rate of NGF from rat plasma was between 91% and 107%, and the CV of which was less than 10%(n=4). The NGF reference was assigned by the kit for 6 times, the result showed that content of it was 13.4 ±1.13 ng/dose, and the CVs of inter and intra assays were 8.43% (n=6) and 6% (n=4, 3 times) respetively. It proved that the kit could be used for the quantitative determination and pharmacokinetical study of murine 2.5 sNGF.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals
国家重点科技项目!编号 ( 196-90 1-0 6-0 41)