采用实车试验方法对CRH2动车组通过隧道时新风换气装置影响车内压力波动的规律进行研究,研究结果表明:新风风机开启能够明显降低车内气压变化,列车通过二岩隧道时车内压力变化幅值关闭状态比开启状态大43%,车内3 s空气压力变化率关闭状态比开启状态大52%,车内1 s空气压力变化率关闭状态比开启状态大43%;风机处于开启状态,CRH2动车组220 km/h通过遂渝线沿线隧道时,车内3 s最大压力幅值为554 Pa,满足我国现行人体舒适性要求标准;风机处于关闭状态时,CRH2动车组车内最大压力幅值变化为1 291 Pa,车内3 s最大压力幅值为854 Pa、车内1 s最大压力幅值为401 Pa,超过了我国现行人体舒适性标准及日本新干线人体舒适性标准;风机处于开启状态时,CRH2动车组车内压力变化幅值与列车运行速度的n次方成正比,其中n值范围为1.0~1.2。
The laws of pressure variation inside the car was obtained by real train test on the condition of the fresh air ventilation unit in the closed and open case when CRH2 EMU passed through the tunnel.The results show that the fresh air ventilation can significantly reduce the air pressure variation inside the car.The pressure amplitude,the pressure variation ratio per 3 second and the pressure variation ratio per second on the condition of the fresh air ventilation unit in closed case is 43%,52% and 43% which is greater than that on the condition of the fresh air ventilation unit in open case when the train passes through the Eryan tunnel.When the CRH2 EMU passes through all the tunnels in Sui-Yu railway line at the speed of 220 km/h on the condition of the fresh air ventilation unit in open case,the maximum pressure variation ratio per 3 second is 554 Pa,which can meet the requirements of human comfort criteria.When the CRH2 EMU on the condition of the fresh air ventilation in closed unit,the maximum pressure amplitude is 1 291 Pa,the maximum pressure variation ratio per 3 second is 854 Pa and the maximum pressure variation ratio per second is 401 Pa,which can not meet the requirements of human comfort criteria in China railway line and Japanese Shinkansen line.When CRH2 EMU passes through the tunnel on the condition of the fresh air ventilation unit in open case,the pressure variation amplitudes inside the car are proportional to the power of n and the range of n is between 1.0 to 1.2
Journal of Railway Science and Engineering