
装备虚拟操作训练的过程建模方法研究 被引量:10

Research on Process Modeling Method for Equipment Virtual Operation Training
摘要 针对装备虚拟操作训练系统中对过程建模的研究仅停留在针对具体仿真任务的应用技术层面,缺乏深入的建模理论研究的现象;首先分析了虚拟操作训练仿真目的和装备操作的特点,叙述了过程模型在虚拟操作训练中的重要性;然后提出了一种面向操作训练的过程建模方法及其实现方法,为虚拟操作训练系统过程建模提供了理论支撑;基于此过程建模方法开发的"某型防空高炮虚拟操作训练系统"验证了建模方法的可行性。 Aiming at the status quo of the research on process modeling only stays on the level of application technology in the existing equipment virtual operation training systems and the lack of depth research on process modeling theory. Firstly, the paper analyzes the simulation purpose of virtual operation training and specifies the significance of process model . Then, an Operation--training--oriented process modeling method, which provides theoretical support for process modeling of virtual operation training system, is proposed. A certain Anti-- aircraft Artillery Virtual Operation Training System, which based on this process modeling method, has verified the feasibility of this modeling method.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期3102-3104,共3页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 军队重点科研项目
关键词 虚拟操作训练 过程建模 STATECHARTS STATEFLOW virtual operation training, process modeling, statecharts, stateflow
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