
云南国际旅游客源市场结构演变及优化 被引量:9

Evolution and Optimization of the International Tourist Market Structure of Yunnan
摘要 基于2000―2008年入境旅游统计资料,利用地理集中指数、市场份额指数、市场发展指数分析方法对云南16个主要国际旅游市场进行结构演变及发展态分析。结果表明,9年来云南国际旅游市场具有以下特性:市场空间结构稳定,主要集中在亚洲、欧洲;重要客源市场一直为日本等6个亚洲客源市场,但发展趋势各不相同;市场份额变化差异大。市场发展状态分析表明,市场内在结构与旅游发展期望不相协调,如日本等重要客源市场发展态为停滞市场。通过分析将16个客源市场划分为开发、拓展、稳定和补救4个营销目标层,并从市场目标层面、营销目标层面对云南国际旅游客源市场进行结构优化探究。 With the 2000-2008 statistics of inbound tourism,structure evolution and development of 16 main international tourism markets of Yunnan are analyzed by using geographic concentration index,market share index and market development index.The results show that in the past 9 years the spatial structure of the market was steady,and the markets were mainly distributed in Asia and Europe.Tourists were mainly from Japan,Thailand,Korea and other four Asian source markets,but their developing trend were different.Market share of those countries changed much,for example,the market share of the tourists from Japan and Singapore declined significantly.The analysis of tourist market development state shows that the internal structure of the markets is developing uncoordinated with the expectations.In this paper the16 tourist markets are classified into 4 marketing target layers:exploitation,development,stabilization and remediation,and structure optimization of tourist markets are also discussed from the angles of market target and marketing target layers.
作者 陈学娇 孙虎
出处 《热带地理》 北大核心 2011年第6期634-640,共7页 Tropical Geography
关键词 国际旅游客源市场 市场偏差指数 市场发展指数 市场结构 云南省 international tourism market market bias index market development index market structure Yunnan Province
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