Stem tips of seven main varieties of Prunus avium L.(Napo leon,Zao Feng, Hong Deng, Hong Mi, Zao Zi, Hong Yan and Black Tartarin ) cultivated in North China differentiated better on seven MS differentiation culture media supplemented with 6-BAl.0 + NAA0.l, 6-BAl.0 + IAA 0.05~0.2, 6-BA0.5~1.0( or IAA0.05,or NAA0.05 ) , 6-BAl.0 + IAA0.2 ~0.4 6-BAl.0, 6-BA0.5~1.0 + IAA0.05,6-BA0.5 +IAA0.2, respectively. Tender stems of the seven varieties of Prunus avium L.propagated better on the seven types of 2/3 strength of MS propagation culture media supplemented with 6-BAl.0 + NAA0.l, 6-BA0.5 + IAA0.1, 6-BA0.5 + NAA0.l, 6-BAl.0+IAA0.1, 6-BA0.2+IAA0.05, 6-BA0.2+IAA0.05, 6-BAl.0 + [AA0.l, respectively .Propagation multiple of these tender stems was 4.1, 5.1, 3.5, 3.2, 4.4, and 3.6 respectively. The stregth of 1/2MS medium supplemented with NAA0.2 was suitable for growing roots on the tender stems. After 1 month culture, the part which contained polyphenol oxide at the base of the shoot tips was exscinded and the shoot tips were transptanted to the medium containing reduced 6-BA ( 0.1 ~0.2 ) and unchanged auxin and V-C 2~10 ( pH5.5 ) , on which the oxidezation of , polyphenol chemical compound was reduced and shoot tip differentiation was raised by rate of 90%.The shoot tips leng thened 1.5~2.0cm.
Acclimated tender stems grew faster than the tender stems of initial cultural period in the tender stem propagation culture.
Large amount of death of tender stems could be reduced when crossly using the propagation media containing high content auxin(0.2~ 0.25) or low content auxin(0.05~0.1 ) and unchanged 6-BA content in order to overcome the effect of polyphenol chemical compound.
Shoot tips of the seven varieties of Prunus avium L. could differentiate better on the condition of 2000Lx, 25± 1℃ .Lower temperature of 20~25℃ was suitable for the tender stems culture. The condition of 15℃ was suitable for the transplantation of the plantlets.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica
Prunus avium L. Shoot tip culture
Tender stem propa-gation
Acclimated tender stein
Polyphenol oxide