
滑翔增程制导航弹气动外形设计 被引量:4

Aerodynamic Configuration Design of Gliding Extended Range Guided Bomb
摘要 为了提高制导航弹的射程,在滑翔增程技术研究基础上提出了远程卫星制导炸弹的气动布局方案,即采取大展弦比上弹翼、"×"形全动尾舵的正常式气动布局,通过计算选择了外形参数.对所提出的外形方案进行了风洞测力实验.实验条件为:滚转角φ=0(弹翼水平,尾翼呈"×"形),22.5°,45.0°;马赫数Ma=0.6,0.8,1.0;攻角α=0~12°;舵偏角δ=0,δz=-5°,-10°(俯仰控制),δy=-5°,-10°(偏航控制),δx=-5°,-10°(滚转控制).模型有弹翼张开与折叠两种状态.实验结果表明,所设计的卫星制导炸弹的纵向稳定性与操纵性协调匹配,全动尾舵的控制效率很高,最有利于滑翔飞行的攻角为αopt=4°~6°,最大升阻比Kmax>10,在12km高度投弹,射程可达到120km以上. To improve the range of guided bomb, the scheme of aerodynamic configuration of extended range GPS guided bomb was put forward based on the gliding extended range technique. The designed aerodynamic configuration was the tail control configuration having great span-chord ratio up-wing and the tail/rudder with "×" form. By aerodynamic characteristics calculation and analysis, the parameters of configuration geometry were determined. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted for two models of wing stretch-out and wing folded model, respectively. The experiment conditions were as follows. The rolling angles are φ=0(wing is horizontal, tail is"×"form), 22.5° and 45.0°. The Mach number are Ma=0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. The angles of attack are α=0~12°. The rudder deflection angles are δz=0; δz=-5°,-10°(pitching control); δy=-5°,-10°(yawing control); δx=-5°,-10°(rolling control). Experiment results indicate that the designed GPS guided bomb's longitudinal stability and controllability match well, and the controlling efficiency of tail rudder is very high. The angle of attack being propitious to gliding flight is from 4° to 6° and the maximal lift-drag ratio is greater than 10. From the experiment result, it could be concluded that the effective range of the guided bomb would over 120 km while it is released at 12 km altitude.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期1387-1390,共4页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家部委预研基金项目(9140A13010810BQ01)
关键词 制导炸弹 滑翔增程 气动外形 气动特性 风洞试验 guided bomb gliding extended range aerodynamic configuration aerodynamic characteristics wind tunnel experiment
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