Based on the satellite image of northern Jiangsu in 2008, by using spatial metric models such as spatial interpolation, spatial correlation index, and semivarigram, the pa- per analyzed the spatial pattern characteristics of rural settlements in the northern Jiangsu region. Some conclusions are drawn as follows. (1) The number of rural settlements dis- tributed in the southern part is larger than that of the northern part in the northern Jiang- su region in terms of spatial distribution, espacially they are distributed most densely in central and southern parts of the region, then exhibits a stepwise decrease. (2) Scale dis- tribution of rural settlements shows a strong spatial autocorrelation, and similar areas are respectively characterized by aggregation distributions in space. The high-value clusters of rural settlement scale are distributed mainly in Xuzhou, Lianyungang, and Suqian. The scale of rural settlement distributed in the north is much larger than that of the south in northern Jiangsu in spatial distribution. (3) The shape distribution of rural settlements shows good continuity and stability, the random of the spatial differential pattern is much lower than the mechanism of the structural differentiation caused by natural correlation in space. Spatial difference of rural settlement distribution is much larger, but it shows some concentration. In terms of different orientations, spatial difference of rural settlement dis- tribution is much larger in the southeast-northwest, rural settlement distribution enve- loped from ribbon, long rectangle, and rectangle to sugariness or irregular conglomera- tion. Above all, the formation and development of rural settlements in northern Jiangsu always has strong correlation with natural conditions such as terrain and river, which is less sensitive to social economy, so the distribution of rural settlements in northern Jiang- su shows obvious spatial dependence.
Geographical Research
rural settlement
spatial pattern
northern Jiangsu