
风光储发电技术在建筑节能中的应用 被引量:7

Application of technology of wind and photovoltaic power generation and storage in building energy conservation
摘要 为了提高建筑物的能源利用率,基于对目前日常生活中建筑耗能和建筑节能现状的分析,提出了风光储发电技术的建筑节能设计思路,介绍了该设计中的光伏建筑一体化、风能建筑一体化、储能建筑一体化设计及换流器设计的新型能源建筑形式及特点,探讨和分析了风光储节能系统在设计上应考虑的问题。工程应用表明,风光储发电技术和建筑节能有机结合可充分利用建筑物所在地区的风能和太阳能资源,提高能源利用率。 In order to improve the energy utilization ratio of buildings,on the basis of analysis of building energy consumption and conservation in daily life,the design thinking of building wind and photovoltaic power generation and conservation was put forward.The forms and characteristics of new type of energy buildings,including integration of photovoltaic power and building,wind power and building,power storage and building and convertor design are introduced.The considerations in the design of wind and photovoltaic power conservation system are discussed and analyzed.The engineering application shows that the organic combination of wind and photovoltaic power generation technology and building energy conservation can fully utilize the wind power and solar power in the area where the buildings locate,so the energy utilization ratio can be improved.
作者 赵珩
出处 《人民长江》 北大核心 2011年第24期89-92,共4页 Yangtze River
关键词 建筑节能 风能 光伏发电 储能 建筑一体化设计 building energy conservation wind energy photovoltaic generation energy storage building integration design
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