
杂交水稻及其亲本抗细菌性条斑病的研究初报 被引量:2

A Preliminary Report on Studies of Resistance of Rice Hybrids and Their Parental Lines to BLS
摘要 水稻细菌性条斑病(以下简称细条病)在热带和中国南方已上升为一种主要病害。为探讨杂交水稻及其亲本对该病的抗性规律,笔者在国际水稻所曾用Xanthomonas campestrisPV.oryzicola的两个菌株(93和335号)喷雾接种于五个杂交组合及其亲本上。结果表明,杂交水稻对细条病表现出不同程度的抗病反应,其抗性值接近双亲平均值,且属水平抗性。杂种一 代的抗性在很大程度上决定于恢复杂的抗性水平。 Five rice hybrids from IRRI and their maie sterile (A)and restorer(R)lines were evaluated against two isolates of BLS in the greenhouse Pregerminated seeds were grown in plastic trays,three rows in a tray,one for each F, A, and R lines. Isolates 93 and 335 of Xanthomonas campestris PV.orgzicola were used to spray-inoculate the test plants at 21 and 30 d after sowing(DAS). The bacterial suspension was adjusted to 109 cells/ml.Scoring was done 10 and 15 d after inoculation(DAI)using the Standard evaluation system for rice (SAS), based on leaf area infection. of the five hybrids,Zhenshan 97A/Milyang 54 was resistant to the two isolates in both inoculation stages.IR46830A and IR54752A became moderately resistant when inoculated with isolate 93 at 30 DAS. The two parental lines with moderate resis- tance produced rice hybrids with moderate resistance. The R line contributed resistance in Fl for the A line-susceptible and R line- resistant combination.
作者 李任华
出处 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期38-41,共4页 Hybrid Rice
关键词 杂交稻 水稻 抗性 条斑病 细菌性 hybrid rice, bacterial leaf streak, horizontal resistance
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