

The clinical analysis of the pathogeny and treatment for 158 cases with placental abruption
摘要 目的探讨胎盘早剥的病因和防治。方法回顾性分析我院收治的胎盘早剥158例患者的临床资料。结果本组158例孕产妇158例存活,阴道分娩45例,占28.5%,剖宫产113例,占71.5%;新生儿成活148例,新生儿窒息6例,死胎3例,新生儿死亡7例。结论胎盘早剥是孕期、分娩期的严重并发症,早期诊断和及时正确处理才能有效改善胎盘早剥的母儿预后。 Objective Analyzed the pathogeny and prevention of placental abruption. Methods To analyse the clinical data of 158patients with placental abruption in our hospital. Results 158cases of pregnant woman were survived, with 45 cases of vaginal delivery(28. 5 % )and 112 cases of cesarean section(71.5 % ). 148 cases of neonatal were survived , others with 6 cases of neonatal asphyxia, 3 cases of fetal death and 7 case of neonatal death. Conclusion Placental abruption is dangerous complication to mothers and fetuses. We must dynamic observation of the patient ' s condition, early diagnosis and proper treatment can improve the prognosis of placental abruption.
作者 吴丽慧
出处 《中国现代药物应用》 2011年第24期26-27,共2页 Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application
关键词 胎盘早剥 病因 诊断 Placental abruption Pathogeny Diagnosis
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