
香蕉果实生长发育过程主要营养物质变化规律 被引量:11

Changes of Nutrient Components During the Development of Banana Fruit
摘要 以‘巴西’、‘威廉斯(8818)’、‘矮化威廉斯(8818-1)’3个香蕉品种的果实为试验材料,进行果实发育过程中糖、淀粉、单宁以及Vc含量的分析。结果表明,香蕉不同品种果实生长趋势及糖、淀粉、单宁和Vc的变化趋势基本一致,同一品种糖与淀粉的变化趋势正好相反。香蕉果实在整个发育过程中,以积累淀粉为主,糖含量保持较低水平(1.5%左右);后熟期,淀粉转化为糖。香蕉果实发育过程中单宁和Vc含量均呈下降趋势。 The contents of main sugars, starch, tannins and vitamin C were analyzed during the fruit development of three banana eultivars, including 'Brazil', 'Williams (8818)'and 'Dwarf Williams(8818-1)'. The results showed that the fruit growth trends of different banana varieties were basically the same as the changes of contents of sugars, starch, tannins and Vc. The contents of sugars and starch in the same variety had an opposite trend. Starch was the main accumulated while sugars content remained low (1.5%)during the entire banana fruit development process. After-ripening period, the starch would degraded into sugars. Ve and tannins content decreased during fruit development.
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 2011年第11期2012-2015,共4页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(No.sscri200904 sscri200908) 国家香蕉产业技术体系湛江综合试验站(No.CARS-32-12)
关键词 香蕉 淀粉 可溶性糖 单宁 VC Banana Starch Soluble sugar Tannins Ve
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