
帽儿山天然次生林主要阔叶树种叶量分布模拟 被引量:8

Simulation of Foliage Distribution for Major Broad-Leaved Species in Secondary Forest in Mao'er Mountain
摘要 2007年,在黑龙江省帽儿山林区,设置30块天然次生林固定标准地,获取10个阔叶树种176株解析木,总共测量3401个活枝条的叶生物量。建立10个阔叶树种的单木模型来预测活树冠内叶量的垂直分布,用3参数Chapman-Richards方程来估计叶量在树冠内相对高度处的累积叶量分布。参数估计的结果表明:在α=0.05的置信度下,相关系数都超过0.91,白桦达到0.98;水曲柳冠内最大叶量出现在最高位置0.82CL(冠长)处,最低的是黄菠萝,出现在0.52CL处;其他树种分布在这个区间之内,白桦为0.66CL,柞树为0.78CL;天然次生林阔叶树种的叶量在树冠的上部(0.3CL以下)所占比例很小,在树冠的中部以及中下部(0.4CL~0.8CL)叶量所占比例最大,几乎集中了整个树冠60%~70%的叶量,其中,白桦达到72.22%,杨树达到72.55%,水曲柳最低为57.51%,而在树冠的下部(0.8CL以下),几乎占很少的叶量,大约10%左右。本研究提出的这种累积叶量分布模型可以应用于采伐设计、合理的间伐收获方法和不同收获生产中的林分营养物质消长预估。 The spatial distribution of foliage is the fundamental composition of crown structure,moreover,it is convenient to understand the mechanism of the energy convert to biomass above-ground through the crown by evaluating the spatial distribution of foliage and researching the relationship between foliage and factors in individual trees and stand.In Mao'er Mountains of Heilongjiang Province,30 permanent sample plots in secondary forest were established where 3 401 biomass of living branches from 176 stem analysis sample trees with 10 different broad-leaved species were measured,2007.This study presents 10 individual tree models for the prediction of vertical distribution of living crown.The 3 parameters Chapman-Richards model was used to estimate the distribution of the crown biomasses between the lower and upper limits of the crown.In the models for the relative cumulative living crown,parameters estimate results show that all coefficiens of determination are high more than 0.91 especially 0.98 for birch.The highest relative height at which the foliage reached its maximum point was 0.82 CL(crown length)for manchurian ash and the lowest was 0.52 CL for cork tree.The peak points for other species were between these two values,e.g.0.66 CL for birch and 0.78 CL for oak.The percentage of foliage for broad-leaved species in secondary forestry at the top crown(above 0.3 CL)was very small,which in middle crown and below it(0.4 CL-0.8 CL)took about 60%-70% of total biomass,especially 72.22% for birch,72.55% for poplar and the minimum was 57.51% for manchurian ash,however at under-part of the crown for all species occupied about 10% of total foliage.The models can be used for the planning of harvesting operations,for the selection of feasible harvesting methods,and for the estimation of nutrient removals of different harvesting practices.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期114-120,共7页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金"近自然森林经理综合数据采集分析和决策支持技术研究"(IFRIT200901) 中央高校基本科研事业费(DL09CA11)
关键词 天然次生林 叶量 累积树冠生物量模型 冠长 natural secondary forestry foliage cumulative crown biomass model crown length
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