
中国城市化经济的社会福利及发展效应分析 被引量:3

The Analysis of Social Welfare and Development Effect in China's Urbanization Economies
摘要 城市社会福利可以用我国城镇居民可支配收入表示。从城市化经济的基本定义出发,它的增长依存于两个要素,分别是城镇公共经济的增长和私人经济的增长。这两个要素可以由城镇财政人均支出和城镇居民家庭人均消费性支出表示。比较两者增长速度,城镇人均财政支出远远快于城镇居民家庭人均消费性支出。但如果比较两者对城市社会福利的作用大小,即引发的城市化经济福利效应,前者却小于后者。为此,政府通过增加新兴产业财政支出等方式,调整我国城镇公共经济和私人经济之间的矛盾,使城市化经济运行的社会福利最大化,这是我国城市化经济政策的发展趋势。 Urban social welfare is represented by our country's per capita disposable income of urban citizens. On the basis of the definition of urbanization economies, its increase depends on the increase of urban public economy and private economy which are respectively represented by urban government per expenditures and annual per capita living expenses. The urban government per expenditures is much faster than that of urban citizens' annual per capita living expenses by comparing their increase speed. However, the former is lower when comparing their effects upon urban social welfare which causes urbanized economic welfare effect. Therefore, the government should adjust the contradiction between the social economy and private economy, and ameliorate the structure of financial e ping the new industries, which means making the social welfare of the urban economy move to the maximum, which should be the development trend of our country's urban economy policies.
作者 王雅莉 崔敬
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期36-40,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(07BJY055)
关键词 城市化经济 社会福利 发展效应 urbanization economies social welfare development effect
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