
气调包装保鲜冷却鸭肉的研究 被引量:4

Fresh-Keeping Effect of Modified at Mosphere Packaging on Chilled Duck Meat
摘要 为延长冷却鸭肉的货架期并保持其良好色泽,该文通过对冷却鸭肉的感官评分、细菌总数、pH值、TVB-N值和汁液流失率等参数跟踪分析,研究了以不同N2和CO2配比为气调包装对冷却鸭肉品质的影响。试验结果表明:在气调包装保鲜过程中,不同N2和CO2配比对鸭肉均有一定的保鲜作用,CO2浓度越高对鸭肉的保鲜效果越好,以100%CO2保鲜效果最好,其能有效地延长冷却鸭肉的保质期。 In order to prolong the shelf-life of chilled duck meat and keep bright red color in package,the samples of chilled duck meat were packed under varying modified atmosphere conditions of N2 and CO2 and the sensory scores,total bacterial count,pH values,total volatile basic nitrogen(TVB-N) and weight loss were used to evaluate the chilled duck meat quality.Results indicated that all of the different varying modified atmosphere conditions of N2 and CO2 had fresh-keeping effect on chilled duck meat.The higher CO2 concentration was,the better effect the modified atmosphere packing preservation have.CO2 concentration of 100% had the best fresh-keeping effect.So it can be concluded that modified atmosphere packaging significantly prolong the shelf-life of chilled duck meat.
出处 《食品工业》 北大核心 2012年第1期115-117,共3页 The Food Industry
基金 徐州市科技发展基金计划项目(XF10C003)
关键词 气调包装 冷却鸭肉 保鲜 modified atmosphere packaging chilled duck meat fresh-keeping effect
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