
分布式发电竞价上网市场交易机制研究 被引量:17

Market Trading Mechanism Research on Distributed Generation Bidding
摘要 智能电网建设的全面推进以及分布式发电并网技术的成熟为分布式能源的大规模并网出力创造了良好条件。针对分布式发电上网问题,构建了一种由代理运营商统一管理下的分布式发电上网交易模式,并从合约市场、日前市场、实时市场等3个方面详细分析了分布式发电竞价上网市场交易机制,以期能够为未来分布式发电竞价上网提供可参考的市场交易框架。 The comprehensive progress of smart grid construction and rapid updating of distributed generation technology has created goods conditions for the distributed generation integration into grid on a large scale.A trading pattern of distributed generation integration into grid under the unified management by agent was presented.Market trading mechanism of distributed generation bidding was analyzed from three aspects: contract market,day-ahead market and real-time market.The research was hoped to provide a reference trading framework for the distributed generation bidding in the future.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2012年第1期1-4,共4页 East China Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70671041 70771039) 美国能源基金会项目(G-1006-12630)~~
关键词 分布式发电 竞价上网 合约市场 日前市场 实时市场 distributed generation bidding contract market day-ahead market real-time market
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