
组合型可再生能源在农村微网中供电性能的综合评价 被引量:4

Comprehensive Power Supply Evaluation of Combined Renewable Energy Applied in Rural Microgrid
摘要 从农村负荷特性出发,结合农村可再生能源种类多、分布分散的特点,提出采用不同类型可再生能源组合为农村微网供电,针对新能源出力的不确定性,通过全面考虑经济、环境、可靠性和技术4类指标集,采用熵权模糊综合评价法分别对太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能两两组合后对农村微网供电的性能进行评估比较,并与单一新能源供电模式对比,得出适合农村微网的新能源组合供电方式,为农村微网的新能源建设提供理论参考。 Based on the load characteristic of rural area,and combined with the diversity and sparse distribution of rural renewable energy resources,this paper proposes the method of utilizing hybrid renewable energy resources to supply power for the rural microgrid.In view of the random output of new energy,four index sets i.e.economy,environment,reliability and technology are considered;the fuzzy entropy comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to assess and compare the power supply capability for rural microgrid with the pair combination among solar energy,wind energy,water energy and biomass energy.Compare with the power supply model depending on single new energy,the hybrid power supply mode is selected as applicable to rural microgrid,which can provide theoretical reference to new energy construction in rural area.
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2012年第1期5-9,共5页 East China Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50977059)~~
关键词 可再生能源 农村微网 熵权法 模糊评价 renewable energy rural micogrid entropy weight method fuzzy evaluation
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