
职前教师的实践性知识形成--基于实习的个案分析 被引量:7

A Case Study on Development of Pre-service Teacher's Practical Knowledge During the Teaching Practice
摘要 职前教育是教师实践性知识的萌芽阶段。本文选取了信息技术职前教师教育实习这一关键场景,通过对实习生胡老师的个案描述,以叙事探究的方式分析了其实践性知识的形成与变化。研究发现,"学徒观察"对职前教师教学信念的影响是复杂的甚至是充满矛盾的,而在初次接触教学真实场景后,职前教师的"生存关注"一定程度上阻碍了其实践性知识的养成。研究建议,职前教师教育应更加重视对师范生教育"前概念"的揭示、分析,在课程上重视引导其实践规则与原则的建构,并通过提升其自我反思能力以进一步促进其实践性知识的养成。 Pre-service teacher education is the key growing stage of student teacher's practical knowledge development.This paper carries out a study on the IT student teacher practice,regarding this kind of practice as the most important situation and process.The paper,using the narrative research method,has analyzed the formation and change of student teacher's practical knowledge.The study finds out that the "apprentice observation" approach has produced complicated,even incompatible effects on student teacher's professional belief.And at the point of first involvement of real teaching,the "anxiety of survival"hinders the development of practical knowledge to a certain degree.The paper suggests that more attention should be paid to help student teachers to understand and reflect more about their pre-concept of teaching,and guide them to know and construct their own practical knowledge rules and principle by curricula learning and in this way,help them improve their practical knowledge construction.
作者 李利
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第24期69-74,共6页 Research in Educational Development
关键词 实践性知识 职前教师 教育实习 practical knowledge pre-service teacher teaching practice
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