
老年雇员退休返聘行为内在机制的研究:员工情感承诺的影响 被引量:17

A Study of Immanent Mechanism of Elderly Employees' Bridge Employment:the Influence of Employees' Affective Commitment
摘要 在人口老龄化加速的背景下,制定退休返聘政策成为缓解中国老龄化所带来的社会负担和利用老年人才资源的重要选择。研究考察老年雇员的工作态度对于其退休后返聘行为的影响。103名临近退休的北京事业单位老年员工参与了本次纵向跟踪的研究。个体退休前的情感承诺可以有效地预测个体在退休后返聘行为的发生,并且这一关系可以被个体的返聘意愿所中介。为企事业单位进行退休返聘管理,以及在老龄化进程中全社会层面上的人力资源潜能开发提供了借鉴性启示。 In the context of the acceleration of population aging, formulating bridge employment policies become an important choice to ease the social burden caused by population aging and take advantage of old human resources. The present study attempted to investigate the influence of the work attitude of older employees on their bridge employment. One hundred and three ol- der employees nearing retirement attended the longitudinal tracking research. The results indi- cated that the individual' s affective commitment before retirement can effectively predict the behavior of bridge employment, and this relationship can be mediated by his bridge employment intention. The current research provides a useful revelation to enterprises' bridge employment management and the full utilization of human resources potential in the process of aging.
出处 《人口与发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期48-53,共6页 Population and Development
关键词 老龄化 老年雇员管理 情感承诺 退休返聘意愿 退休返聘 aging elderly employees' management affective commitment bridge employment intention bridge employment
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