在 Zr O2 - Ni Co Cr Al Y梯度涂层中 ,由基体到涂层表面 ,Zr O2 的含量逐渐增多 ,Ni Co Cr Al Y的含量逐渐减少 ,形成一种无宏观结合界面的成分连续变化的组织结构。随 Zr O2 组元含量的升高 ,Zr O2 - Ni Co Cr Al Y复合涂层的密度基本呈线性降低 ;涂层硬度则先降低后升高 ,含 6 0 vol% Zr O2 的复合涂层具有最低的硬度值 ;富含 Ni Co Cr Al Y组元的复合涂层的孔隙率略低。与双层涂层相比 ,成分梯度化的分布使梯度涂层的内聚强度和涂层与基体的结合强度都得到了明显地提高 ;涂层与基体的结合界面是梯度涂层
In plasma sprayed ZrO 2 NiCoCrAlY graded coating, the amount of ZrO 2 increases gradually along the coating thickness from TC4 substrate to coating surface, while that of NiCoCrAlY changes oppositely, and the macro interface between ZrO 2 and NiCoCrAlY which exists in duplex coating is eliminated. With the increasing of the amount of ZrO 2, the density of ZrO 2 NiCoCrAlY composite coating decreases gradually, and the hardness decreases firstly and then improves ; the 60 vol% ZrO 2 Ni CoCrAlY coating has the lowest hardness, and the porosity in the rich NiCoCrAlY coatings is slightly lower than that in the rich ZrO 2 coating. The gradual distribution of composition improves the adherent strength of coating and the coherent strength between coating and substrate. The interface between coating and TC4 substrate is the weakest zone in the graded coating.
Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
广东省自然科学基金博士启动基金! ( 116-B90 460 )
华南理工大学自然科学基金! ( 10 1-E5 0 0 40 )