
基于同步网的虚拟拆卸过程建模方法研究 被引量:7

Modeling of Virtual Disassembly Process Based on Synchronous Net
摘要 针对大型复杂装备虚拟拆卸过程建模问题,分析了其在拆卸作业的顺序关系、逻辑关系和语义表示等方面的需求。基于同步网给出了虚拟拆卸网(VDN)的定义和规则,其中变迁表示了维修作业中的拆卸动作,库所表示拆卸过程中部件的状态,同步器定义了拆卸序列的选择和并行关系。VDN能够确定拆卸序列、描述维修动作之间的逻辑关系,具有拆卸作业的具体语义,包含了维修知识信息。详细给出了VDN建模的步骤和简化规则,并通过一个VDN建模实例对方法和可行性进行了验证。 To the question of large scale equipment virtual disassembly process modeling,the requirements on disassembly sequence,logic relations,and semantic representation are analyzed.Virtual disassembly net(VDN) is proposed based on synchronous net,whose place represents status of the disassembled equipment,transition represents disassembly action,and synchronizer decides the parallel or choice relation between actions.VDN decides the disassembly sequence,describes logical relations of disassembly actions,specifies meanings of the actions',and contains maintenance knowledge information.The modeling steps and simplification rules are studied in detail,and the feasibility of VDN is validated by an example model.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期541-545,550,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 维修 拆卸 过程 建模 同步网 maintenance disassembly process modeling synchronous net
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