
智能电网实时电价研究综述:模型与优化方法 被引量:9

Review on Real-time Pricing for Smart Grid:Models and Optimization Methods
摘要 在智能电网中,实时电价(real-time pricing,RTP)是解决智能电网供需平衡的理想需求响应机制,具有节能环保、保障用户和电能提供者最大化效益等方面的优势。在分析实时电价机制优化模型国内外发展现状基础上,总结出了实时电价优化模型:从用户的总需求量水平出发建立优化模型。相应地,总结了解决这一模型的优化方法:对偶法、内点法、分布式迭代法(分步式法)以及博弈论等优化求解方法。最后,展望了智能电网中实时电价机制的进一步研究方向。 In Smart Grid,real-time pricing scheme is an ideal demand response mechanism to solve the supply and demand balance,which has advantages in energy saving and environmental protection and maximum benefit guarantee for users and electricity providers.Based on the analysis of the domestic and international development of real-time pricing mechanism on the optimization models and the optimization methods,one kind of model is summarized:an optimization model from the users' total demands level.Accordingly,some optimization methods are given,including dual method,interior point method,distributed iteration method and game theory.Finally,the development direction of the real-time pricing mechanism in the smart grid is also discussed in this paper.
出处 《工业控制计算机》 2012年第2期87-88,90,共3页 Industrial Control Computer
关键词 智能电网 实时电价 需求响应 优化模型 优化方法 smart grid real-time pricing demand response optimization models optimization methods
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