

Analysis on Development Trend of Avionic System of Trainer
摘要 航电系统作为教练机提高作战效能、性能的三大要素之一,有必要了解其发展历程,探索其未来发展的方向。本文介绍了教练机航电系统结构和原理,并对其特点进行了分析,同时,探讨了下一代航电系统向智能化方向发展的新趋势。 Since avionic system is one of the three factors to increase battle efficiency and capability of trainer, the development history of avionic system should be understood so as to search its further development. This paper describes the structure and principle of avionic system of trainer, analyzes its characteristics, as well as discusses the intelligentizing development trend of next generation of avionic system.
作者 喻怀仁
出处 《教练机》 2011年第1期14-18,共5页 Trainer
关键词 航电系统 教练机 发展趋势 avionic system trainer development trend
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