
用于^(90)Sr萃取分离的冠醚试剂的辐射化学研究进展 被引量:8

Progress in Radiation Chemistry of Crown Ether Extractants Used for the Solvent Extraction of ^(90)Sr
摘要 长寿命裂变产物的分离不仅可有效提高乏燃料后处理与高放废物处置安全性,而且可降低高放废物对人类和环境的危害。鉴于用于分离长寿命裂变产物的萃取剂在分离过程中通常处在较高的辐射场中,因此为了设计合适的萃取分离体系,有必要开展对裂变产物具有良好萃取性能的萃取剂的辐射稳定性的研究。本文通过对比辐照前后萃取剂的化学结构和萃取性能的稳定性,以及不同萃取体系的辐解产物分析和辐解机理等,综述了国内外对分离长寿命裂变产物90Sr的冠醚萃取体系的辐射化学研究进展,并对今后的研究方向提出了一些建议。 The separation of the long-lived fission products from dissolved nuclear fuel could improve the safe disposal of high-level nuclear wastes and reduce their threaten to human being and environment. Since the extractant system will be exposed to high radiation environment during the solvent extraction of long-lived fission products. The understanding of radiation chemistry of extractants is very important for practical design of extractant system. The radiation chemistry of crown ether systems proposed for use in the solvent extraction of one of fission products 90 Sr were reviewed based on the study on the radiation stability and radiolysis mechanism of crown ether system. Finally some challenges were suggested.
出处 《同位素》 CAS 2011年第B12期29-35,共7页 Journal of Isotopes
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(21073008)
关键词 90Sr 萃取分离 辐射化学 进展 90 Sr extractants radiation chemistry progress
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