
HY-2卫星高度计定标方法初探 被引量:5

Preliminary Discussion about the Method of HY-2 Altimeter Calibration
摘要 为确保高度计数据的可用性和有效性,发射后需对高度计进行绝对定标。本文首先结合卫星高度计的应用领域,提出了我国HY-2的定标需求,进而介绍了国内外现有的验潮站定标、海上石油平台定标、GPS浮标定标等3种高度计定标法,并分析了各种定标法的优缺点。在此基础上,提出了适用于我国HY-2卫星高度计定标法,并简单介绍了具体的实施方案和数据处理方法。该方法为HY-2的定标方案的确定具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。 Altimeter data plays very important role in the research of marine dynamic environment forecast,global climatic changes,and so on.In order to ensure the availability and validity of altimeter data,it is necessary to implement external calibration after altimeter launched.In this paper,firstly based on the application field of altimeter,the calibration of HY-2 is proposed.Then three different calibration methods:the method using tide gauges,offshore oil platform method and GPS buoy method and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed.Finally this paper puts forward a new calibration method for HY-2:the method of combining tide gauge and GPS buoy,and simply presents the embodiment and data processing algorithm.This method has a certain reference value and the guide meaning for the HY-2 calibration campaign.
出处 《遥感信息》 CSCD 2012年第1期116-120,共5页 Remote Sensing Information
基金 863计划海洋遥感定标检验技术研究(2008AA09A403)
关键词 HY-2卫星 卫星高度计 绝对定标 HY-2 altimeter absolute calibration
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