

Studies in vitio and vivo conjugative transmission on R plasmids of Enteroto- xigenic E. coli.
摘要 本文报告用人源产毒性大肠杆菌(ETEC)84010、84053、84056菌株作为供体菌,与受体菌C_(606)及绿腋杆菌p97菌株,分别在体外及乳鼠、小鼠、豚鼠和家兔体内进行了R质粒接合传递试验。体外接合试验表明:3株供检测的大肠杆菌均能将其部分抗性传递给受体菌C_(600)。接合频率为10^(-3)~10^(-4)。84010和84056菌对Tc的抗性还能传递给绿脓杆菌P97。动物体内接合试验表明:3株ETEC携带的R质粒在乳鼠、小鼠、豚鼠和家兔体内均能与受体菌C_(600)发生接合。供体菌对AP、TC和SM的抗性都能传递给受体菌。而且,84010和84056菌对CM的抗性可分别在家兔和豚鼠体内接合传递。 The paper reported studies in vitro and vivo conjugative transmission on R plasmids of enterot- oxigenic E. coli (ETEC). The strains of ETEC 84010, 54053, 54056, used as donors, and strain C_(600) from E. coli and P_(97) from Ps. aeruginosa. as recipients in vitroc onjugation test of R plasmids and in vivo conjugation in yung and adult mice, ginea pigs and rabbits, respectively. Results in vitro co- njugation showed that three strains tested might able to transfer their some drug-resistances from donor to C_(600), a recipient strain. The range of conjugation rate was from 10^(-4) through 10^(-3). The resistance of strainan 84010 and 84056 to TC also were transfered into P_(97). Results in vivo conjuga- tion demonstrated that three strains of E.coli carr- ing R plasmids conjugated with C_(600) in vivo yung and adult mice, ginea pigs and rabbits, respectively. The resistances of donors to AP, TC and SM was transfered into recipients. Moreover, resistance of strain 84010 and 84056 to CM were transmited into recipients in rabbits and ginea pigs, respectively, by conjugation.
出处 《中国公共卫生学报》 1990年第3期180-182,共3页
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