本文通过实验研究了霉菌对醋酸片基和聚酯片基银盐黑白胶片的危害及其程度 ,表明在适宜霉菌生长的温湿度环境下 ,霉菌对胶片的危害远远大于“醋酸综合症”等自然衰变 ,是除自然灾害和人为破坏之外对银盐黑白胶片档案安全的最大威胁 ,应予以高度的重视。
Experiments were carried out for investigating the damages caused by molds on the keeping quality of silver halides black and white film with cellulose triacetate or polyester film base as support.Results showed that besides natural disasters and intentional sabotage,molds are the most serious threat against,the safety of silver halides black and white film archives,much more harmful than normal ageing effects,e.g.acetic acid syndrome etc..,thus should attach more attention.
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