
枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒联合蒙脱石散治疗新生儿黄疸疗效观察 被引量:7

The clinical effect of bacillus subtilis and enterococcus bivalent viable multi-dimensional particles combined with Montmorillonite Powder in treatment of neonatal jaundice
摘要 目的探讨枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒(妈咪爱)联合蒙脱石散治疗新生儿黄疸的疗效。方法选取2009年1月~2010年6月本院儿科收治的152例新生儿黄疸患儿,随机等分成两组,对照组给予蓝光照射、酶诱导剂等常规综合治疗,观察组在此基础上加用枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒联合蒙脱石散,观察两组患儿治疗后的疗效。结果与对照组相比,观察组胆红素的日均下降值升高,黄疸消退时间缩短,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论枯草杆菌、肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒联合蒙脱石散治疗新生儿黄疸疗效确切,可加速胆红素分解排出和减少重吸收。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of bacillus subtilis and enterococcus bivalent viable multi-dimensional particles combined with Montmorillonite Powder in treatment of neonatal jaundice. Methods One hundred and fifty-two neonatal jaundice patients who were treated in our hospital from January 2009 to June 2010 were randomly divided into two groups. The control group (n -- 76) were treated with conventional therapy, and the observation group (n = 76) weretreated with conventional therapy plused bacillus subtilis and enterococcus bivalent viable multi-dimensional particles combined with Montmorillonite Powder. The effect of the two group after treatment was analyzed. Results There was significant difference between the two groups in the daily decreased bilirubin level, jaundice duration period (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion bacillus subtilis and enterococcus bivalent viable multi-dimensional particles combined with montmorillonite powder has significant effect on the treatment of neonatal jaundice, and it can accelerate bilirubin decomposition and reduce absorption.
作者 王丹
出处 《中国当代医药》 2012年第8期70-71,共2页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 枯草杆菌 肠球菌二联活菌多维颗粒 蒙脱石散 新生儿黄疸 疗效观察 Bacillus subtilis and enterococcus bivalent viable multi-dimensional particles Montmorillonite powder Neonatal jaundice Effect observatioti
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