
球形红假单胞菌和荚膜红假单胞菌的原生质体融合 被引量:4

Protoplast Fusion between R. capsulate and R. sphaeroides
摘要 选择一株能利用无机硫化物的球形红假单胞菌 (丙酸钠 -丙露醇 + )与荚膜红假单胞菌 (甘露醇 -丙酸钠 + )进行种间原生质体融合。探讨了溶菌酶浓度 ,PEG浓度等对原生质体形成、再生及融合的影响。在最佳条件下原生质体融合率为 3.0 2× 10 -5。用间接选择法 ,在高渗选择培养基上选出再生的融合子 ,经过在二种选择培养基上交替连续传代十次 ,获得既可利用丙酸钠为唯一碳源又可以甘露醇为唯一碳源而生长的遗传稳定的融合株。融合子菌株对硫化物的耐受能力超过两亲本菌株 ,在 Na2 S浓度为 0 .5~ 1.0 g/ L的培养基上生长良好 ,因此在水质净化中具有潜在的应用价值。 A strain of R.sphaeroides which can grow in inorganic sulfides medium and a strain of R. capsulate were selected as the parents strains for inter species protoplast fusion. The effects of Lysozyme concentration and the concentration of PEG6000 on the rates of protoplast formation and regeneration, and the frequency of protoplast fusion were determined. A fusion frequency of 3.02×10 -5 was obtained under the optimum condition. The fusants were picked out from the MMS 2 medium by the indirect selection method. The fusants with genetic stability which can grow not only using sodium propionate but also using mannitol as the sole carbon resource were screened through ten generations passed on the medium MM 1 and MM 2 alternately. The fusant F A 33 strain can grow much better than the two parents strains in the medium containing a Na 2S concentration of 0.1 10.0g/L and is of potential application value in the purification of water quality.
出处 《青岛海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 2000年第2期297-302,共6页 Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
基金 农业部重点项目!(95 - B- 96 - 0 5 - 0 2 )资助
关键词 球形红假单胞菌 荚膜红假单胞菌 原生质体融合 R. capsulate R.sphaeroides protoplast fusion fusion frequency water quality purification
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