
甘露寡糖和粪甸球菌对鸡细胞免疫和肠道微生态的调节作用 被引量:28

Effects of Mannan-oligosaccharide and Streptococcus Faecium Supplemented in Diet on Cell-mediated Immunity and Intestinal Microflora and pH in Chickens
摘要 报道了日粮中添加甘露寡糖(MOS)、粪链球菌(SF-68)对鸡细胞免疫和肠道微生态的调节作用,以及对血液SOD和GSH-Px活力的影响。60只1日龄海兰褐芭蛋鸡 雄性雏鸡随机分成4组:试验Ⅰ组9每千克日粮中添加2gMOS)、试验Ⅱ组9每行克日粮中添加60mgSG-68)、试验Ⅲ组(每千克日粮中添加2gMOS和60mgSF-6 8)和对且。试验期42d。结果如下:⑴PHA淋巴细胞转化率(%)。 The effects of mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) and streptococcus faecium cernelle 68 (SF 68) in diet for chicken on cell mediated immunity, intestinal parameters and SOD, GSH Px in blood were reported. 60 one day old male chickens of Hy line were divided randomly into 4 groups: group one (basic diet containing 0.2% MOS), group two (basic diet containing 60×10 -6 SF 68), group three (basic diet containing 0.2% MOS and 60×10 -6 SF 68) and control (basic diet). All chickens were slaughtered in 42 days old. The results showed that (1) PHA lymphoblast transformation rate in group one (47 1±3 071), group two (46 7±1 767) and group three (48 3±2 312) is great significantly higher than that in control (43 8±1 814)(P<0 01);(2) macrophage activity in group one (25 3±1 947) and group two (25 3±2 541) is significantly higher than that in control (23 6±1 647)(P<0 05); macrophage activity in group three (27.7±1.889) is significantly higher than that in control (P<0.05), and significantly higher than that in both group one and two (P<0 01); (3) pH in ceca and ileum of group one (6 253±0 294,5 258±0 453), group two (6 021±0 418,5 132±0 37) and group three (6 124±0 241,5 011±0 111) is greatly significantly lower than that of control (6 667±0 212,6 08±0 412)(P<0 01);(4) E.coli in ceca of group one (9 164×10 8) is great significantly lower than that of control (9 412×10 8)(P<0 05);E.coli in ceca of group two (8 748×10 8) and group three (8 726×10 8) are great significantly lower than that of control (P<0 01) and group one (P<0 01); (5) SOD and GSH Px in blood of group one (9 446±0 56,7 541 6±370 01), and group two (9 42±1 005,7 412.1±482 08) are significantly higher than those of control (8 446±0 292,7 064 7±391 03) (P<0 01),SOD and GSH Px in blood of group three (9 789±1 012,7 655 5±266 17) are great significantly higher than those of control (P<0 01). It can be concluded that cell mediated immunity, SOD, GSH Px in blood are stimulated or enhanced and E.coli counts of ceca and pH of ceca and ileum are reduced by improvement of intestinal microflora of chickens with MOS and SF 68 treatment in separation or combination. But macrophage activity and SOD, GSH Px in blood are great effectively higher in the combination of MOS and SF 68 than in other treatments.
出处 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2000年第1期58-61,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
基金 福建省自然科学基金!(C960 2 5)
关键词 甘露寡糖 粪链球菌 SOD GSH-PX 益生素 饲料 immunostimulation SOD GSH Px intestinal parameter chicken probiotic
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