目的 探讨肾上腺素在心肺复苏中的最佳剂量。方法 66例心搏骤停患者随机分为 3组 ,肾上腺素标准剂量组 ( A组 ,每5 min 1mg) 2 0例 ,实验组 ( B组 ,每 3 min 2 mg) 2 3例 ,递增剂量组 ( C组 ,首剂 1mg,以后每 3 min递增 2 mg) 2 3例 ,各组分别观察自主循环恢复率、存活率、自主循环恢复时间。结果 A组、B组、C组自主循环恢复率分别为 3 0 %、60 .9%、5 6.5 % ,B组、C组明显高于 A组 ;B组的存活率 ( 3 0 .4% )显著高于 A组 ( 5 % )、C组 ( 8.7% ) ;B组的自主循环恢复时间明显短于其他两组。结论 心肺复苏期间 ,应用肾上腺素每 3 min2 mg能显著提高自主循环恢复率 ,缩短自主循环恢复时间 ,改善心搏骤停患者的预后。
Objective To study the optimal dosage of epinephrine during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Method 66 patients with cardiac rest were randomly divided into 3 groups: standard dosage group (Group A, n=20, 1mg every 5 min), experimental group (Group B,n=23, 2mg every 3 min), and the graded dosage group (Group C, n=23, with initial dosage of 1mg and progressively increased dosage of 2mg every 3 min). Observations were carried on about the rate of SCR (spontaneous circulation restoration), the survival rate and the average time of SCR in each group. Result The SCR rates of were 30%,60.9% and 56.5% in Group A,B and C respectively. The SCR rates in Group B and C were significantly higher than that in Group A. The survival rate in Group B (30.4%) was obviously higher than that in the other two groups (5%in Group A, 8.7% in Group C). Compared with the other2 groups, the average time of SCR in Group B was greatly shorter. Conclusion During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the administration of epinephrine with dosage of 2mg every 3min may remarkably increase the SCR and survival rates, shorten the average time of SCR and improve the outcome of patients with cardiac arrest.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine
cardiopulmonary resuscitation epinephrine