
流体喉部喷管二次流矢量控制方案 被引量:11

Secondary flow thrust vector control study for fluidic throat nozzle
摘要 针对结合了二次流矢量控制的固体火箭发动机流体喉部喷管进行了研究.通过数值模拟着重分析了同时存在推力大小调节和方向改变的工况,即喷管喉部和扩张段上同时存在二次流时的情况.比较了典型的9种二次流喷射方案喉部控制性能和推力矢量性能,并讨论了喉部存在二次流时对下游二次流矢量控制的影响.方案的比较结果为实际设计、方案选型提供了参考. The secondary flow vector control concept for the fluidic throat nozzle of solid rocket motor was studied.Through numerical simulation,the work condition of concurrent thrust modulation and vector control was analyzed,in which there exist secondary flow at the throat and expansion part meanwhile.The throat modulation and thrust vector control performance of nine typical secondary flow concepts were compared,and the influence on the secondary flow vector control was discussed for the existence of secondary flow at the throat.The results of concept comparison can provide references for practical design.
作者 张建华 谢侃
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期309-313,318,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
关键词 火箭发动机 流体喉部 矢量控制 数值模拟 rocket motor fluidic nozzle throat thrust vector control numerical simulation
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