目的建立昆明地区健康成人血清丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)的生物参考区间。方法按照美国临床和实验室标准协会(CLSI)C28-A2文件推荐的间接抽样法,选取昆明市第一人民医院2010年5月至2011年3月的健康体检者共9 890例,用奥林巴斯AU5421全自动生化分析仪对ALT和AST进行检测,用Stata 11对检测结果进行统计分析。结果各项指标的参考区间(≤P95)如下:男性ALT≤51U/L,女性ALT≤34U/L;男性AST≤40U/L,女性AST≤35U/L。ALT和AST水平随年龄增长大体呈升高趋势,在男性组中,30~40岁组的ALT水平最高。结论昆明地区ALT和AST的参考区间明显不同于参考书或其他地区的参考区间,因此建立本实验室ALT和AST的生物参考区间非常必要。
Objective To establish the biological reference intervals of serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST) within healthy adult individuals in Kunming.Methods According to the indirect sampling technique in Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute(CLSI) C28-A2,ALT and AST of 9 890 healthy individuals were determined by Olympus AU5421 automatic biochemical analyzer from May 2010 to March 2011.The test results were statistically analyzed by Stata 11.Results The reference intervals(≤P95) were showed as follows: ALT ≤51 U/L(male) and ≤34 U/L(female),AST ≤40 U/L(male),≤35 U/L(female).In male and female group,the levels of ALT and AST were increased generally with ages.In male group,the highest level of ALT was showed in age 30-40. Conclusion The reference intervals of ALT and AST in Kunming are significantly different from those showed in reference books or from other districts.So it is necessary to establish the biological reference intervals of ALT and AST for each laboratory.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic