
塔里木盆地塔中隆起断裂系统特征及其对海相碳酸盐岩油气的控制作用 被引量:111

The fault system characteristics and its controlling roles on marine carbonate hydrocarbon in the Central uplift,Tarim basin
摘要 结合新三维地震与区域地质资料研究,塔里木克拉通中部的塔中隆起挤压断裂与走滑断裂发育,张性断裂欠发育,断裂系统具有构造样式的多样性、形成演化的多期性、构造发育的继承性及平面展布的区段性。新资料表明挤压断裂缺少基底卷入型,多在中寒武统盐膏层滑脱,主要发育4种断裂样式,形成于早奥陶世末,多具有扭压作用与分段性。塔中隆起北斜坡新发现一系列北东向左旋走滑断裂带,剖面上以负花状构造、直立型构造、正花状构造为主,平面上发育向西南方向收敛的雁列构造、羽状构造、帚状构造等;塔中地区经历志留纪晚期、中泥盆世、晚二叠世等三期走滑断裂作用,东南方向强烈斜向挤压作用是走滑断裂形成的动力机制。塔中隆起断裂主要分布在下古生界,三类、三级、四组方向断裂控制了塔中隆起纵向分层、南北分带、东西分块的构造格局。塔中隆起经历新元古代强伸展-弱挤压的断裂发育阶段、寒武纪-奥陶纪局部弱伸展-强挤压逆冲断裂发育阶段、志留纪-中泥盆世走滑断裂发育阶段、石炭纪-早三叠世局部断裂继承性发育阶段等4阶段9期的差异发育演化史。塔中隆起断裂对下古生界海相碳酸盐岩油气分布控制作用明显,断裂控制了油气的纵向复式聚集,断裂带储层发育、油气富集;不同时期、不同类型断裂控油作用有差异性,断裂带横向上的变化造成油气分布的区段性;油气源断裂与储层组成的运聚体系内具有流体分布的有序性。 Based on the analysis of 3D seismic date and regional geology data,lots of NW and NWW trending compression faults and NE trending strike-slip faults,but with less extensional faults,are identified in the Central uplift of the Tarim craton,which has the main characters of diversity of styles,multiple epochs and inheritance of evolution,and segmentation along strike.Most of the compression faults are detachment thrusts slipped in Middle Cambrian salt layer but not basement involved as previous cognition,which formed in the end of Early Ordovician with 4 kinds of fault styles,and had transpression effects and segmentation along the fault belt.Many strike-slip faults are discovered in the northern slope of the Central uplift by the 3D seismic data in recent years.There were tulip flower structure,upstanding structure and positive flower structure in profiles,and en echelon structure,feathered structure,brush structure,and so on,converged to southwest in plane.NE-trending sinistral strike-slip faults were developed by the intensive three stages of oblique collision from the south Tarim plate boundary in Silurian,Middle Devonian and Late Permian.The fault system,mostly distributed in Palaeozoic,can be divided into 3 types and 3 levels and 4 groups of orientation,which controlled the structure framework and shape of the Central uplift with layering in vertical and the zoning from north to south and blocking from west to east.The fault system of the Central uplift undergone 4 stages with 9 periods' evolution:extensive extension-weak compression stage in Neoproterozoic,local weak extension period in Cambrian to Early Ordovician-powerful thrusting period in Middle-Late Ordovician,strike-slip fault developed stage in Silurian-Middle Devonian,and partly inherited faulting stage in Carboniferous-Early Triassic.It is obvious that the fault system played important roles in the hydrocarbon accumulation of Lower Palaeozoic marine carbonate in the Central uplift.It is not only the oil and gas composite accumulation in vertical,but also the favorable reservoirs and enriching hydrocarbon controlled by faults.Different type and stage faults had varied effects which caused the segmentation of hydrocarbon distribution along the fault belt.The migration-accumulation system consisted by hydrocarbon source fault and adjacent reservoir controlled the fluid orderly distribution.
出处 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期793-805,共13页 Acta Petrologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(40534019) 国家重大科技专项(2008ZX05004-04)联合资助
关键词 塔中隆起 断裂 演化 碳酸盐岩 油气 The Central uplift Fault Evolution Carbonate Hydrocarbon
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