
城市社会管理及其新模式探讨 被引量:4

Discussions about Urban Social Management and the New Model
摘要 随着城市化进程的加速,城市社会结构发生了深刻的变化,利益关系日趋多元,收入差距逐渐拉大,社会矛盾不断凸显,全新的城市社会发展格局对传统的城市社会管理提出了挑战,加强和创新城市社会管理也随之成为学术界关注的热点。在对社会管理的基本认识基础上,简要回顾了城市社会管理的历史进程,分析了当下我国城市社会管理所面临的新社会逻辑,结合对政府所提倡的社会管理新格局的理解,继而对城市社会管理新模式进行了探讨,并提出这个新模式所面临的可能困境与其应对方式。 With the accelerated process of urbanization,the urban social structure has undergone profound changes,with more diverse interests,gradually widening income gap and more social conflicts.The new pattern of social development brings challenges to the traditional one.Therefore,the issue of strengthening social management and innovation has been receiving intense academic attentions.This paper is based on the basic understanding of social management,presenting a brief review of the historical process of urban social management,analyzing the new logic of the society facing current urban management,and exploring a new model from the new pattern promoted by the government.At last,it points out some possible dilemmas facing the new model and proposes relevant countermeasures.
作者 张岚 隋佰玲
出处 《城市观察》 2012年第2期119-128,共10页 Urban Insight
关键词 城市 社区 社会管理 模式 city community social management model
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