洛阳恒和国际商务会展中心北区酒店办公楼主屋面高184 m,采用钢筋混凝土框架—核心筒结构,属超B级高度高层建筑。针对超限情况,按照《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》中结构抗震性能设计方法进行结构设计,并进行罕遇地震下的动力弹塑性时程分析,对整体结构及结构构件进行了抗震性能评价。分析结果表明,结构具有合理的屈服耗能机制及塑性铰分布,能够达到预定的抗震性能目标,满足规范大震不倒的设防要求。
The structural height of the north tower of Henghe International Business Hotel and Convention Exhibition Center in Luoyang is 184m.It exceeds limit of technical specification of class B for concrete frame-core wall tall building structures.Since the height exceed the specification limit of the code the performance-based seismic design method was adopted and the dynamic elasto-plastic time history analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the seismic performance.The results show that the structure has effective yielding mechanism under rare earthquakes and can meet the design goals of the seismic performance.
Structural Engineers