
越南与美国经贸合作发展的历程、现状与前景 被引量:2

The Past,Present and Future of Vietnam-US Bilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation
摘要 自1986年革新开放以来,越南大力发展外向型经济战略,积极融入世界经济体系。1995年越南与美国正式建立外交关系,双方由过去的军事对抗转向全面经贸合作,两国关系翻开了新的历史篇章。近年来,越美双边经贸合作取得了令人瞩目的成效,双边贸易实现了快速增长,合作领域逐渐拓宽,合作层次不断提升。目前,越美双边关系已成为越南对外关系的核心。在WTO框架下,越南与美国的经贸合作关系将会得到进一步发展。 Vietnam had developed the export-oriented economy and integrated into the world economy since 1986. Since Vietnam-US had established diplomatic relation in 1995, the relationship between two countries has been developing fast, transforming from former adversaries to current relationship of partnership. The relation of Vietnam-US has changed a new page. In recent years, the bilateral economic and trade cooperation has acquired prominent accomplishments. Today, the relation of Vietnam-US becomes a core of Vietnam' s diplomatic relations. The bilateral economic and trade cooperation of Vietnam-US will have bright and broad prospects under the WTO system.
作者 郑国富
出处 《东南亚纵横》 CSSCI 2012年第4期42-46,共5页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
基金 广西师范大学广西人文社会科学发展研究中心"边疆问题研究"专项课题立项项目:<中越经贸合作的实证研究--一个新地区主义的视角>的研究成果 项目编号:XWSKYB2010011
关键词 越南 美国 经贸合作 经济全球化 Vietnam USA Economic and Trade Cooperation Economic Globalization
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