
国际足联制度设计的寻租漏洞与改革路径 被引量:3

Renting seeking loopholes in and reform paths of FIFA system design
摘要 百年来,国际足联形成了比较稳定的制度禀赋、组织架构和行动惯性,也造成了制度僵化和监管漏洞,容易通过顶层制度设计权、资源配置权和自由裁量权的制度设计漏洞来实现公权性寻租。国际足联要破解制度设计的寻租漏洞,就必须突破国际足联制度僵化,完善公共权力制衡机制;重塑国际足联公平正义,完善公共利益均衡机制。 Over the century, FIFA has formed relatively stable system gifts, organization structures and action iner- tias, and rendered system ossification and supervision loopholes, which made it easy to realize public power related rent seeking by means of loopholes in the system design of top level system design right, resource configuration right and discretion right. In order to close rent seeking loopholes in system design, FIFA must overcomes its system ossification, perfect public power balancing mechanism, rebuild FIFA fairness and justice, and perfect public inter- est equilibrating mechanism.
作者 李志方
机构地区 惠州学院体育系
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期37-40,共4页 Journal of Physical Education
关键词 体育管理学 公权性寻租 国际足联 science of sport management public power related rent seeking FIFA
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