微机电系统(MEMS)陀螺的随机漂移误差是传感器的主要误差,传统硬、软阈值去噪法在去噪效果和实时性方面存在不足。该文从提升小波变换的基本理论出发,分析了提升小波阈值去噪原理,提出了基于提升小波的改进阈值去噪算法,并结合MEMS陀螺输出数据,并对硬、软阈值去噪法与改进阈值去噪法的仿真实验进行比较分析。仿真结果表明,改进阈值去噪法获得了更高的信噪比83.532 7dB,其去噪效果明显优于硬、软阈值,且运算速度较快,更适合实际运用。
The random shift error of MEMS gyroscope is the main error of this kind of sensor and the conventional de-noising method with the hard and soft threshold has some shortages in the de-noising effect and the real- time ability. In this work, the de-noising principle of the lifting wavelet threshold has been analyzed based on the basic theory of the lifting wavelet transform and an improved threshold de-noising method based on the lifting wave- let has been proposed. Combining with MEMS gyroscope output data, the simulation experiments of the de-noising method with hard and soft threshold and the improved threshold de-noising method have been compared and ana- lyzed. The results showed that the higher signal-noise ratio of 83. 5327 dB has been obtained by using the improved threshold de-noising method. Moreover, the method proposed in this work has better de-noising effect and faster process speed comparing with the conventional de-noising method with the hard and soft threshold, thus is more suitable for the applications.
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics