
木质家具制造行业挥发性有机化合物排放现状研究 被引量:8

Study on Emission Pattern of Volatile Organic Compounds from Wood Furniture Manufacturing Industry
摘要 采用工艺调查和现场监测相结合的方法,对某市木质家具制造行业VOCs排放特征进行研究。结果表明,该市木质家具制造企业以使用高VOCs含量的溶剂型涂料为主,极少数企业使用了低VOCs含量的水溶性涂料和UV涂料;企业的生产过程缺乏有效管理,导致VOCs排放量增加;采取VOCs治理的企业不到40%,治理设施运转率和治理效率较低。选择合适的生产工艺,加强企业生产管理和提高治理水平可以有效降低该市木质家具制造行业VOCs排放量。 Combining process investigation with field monitoring,emission Pattern of Volatile Organic Compounds from Wood Furniture Manufacturing industry was studied.The vast majority factories are use coatings with high VOCs,the production process is lack of effective management,less than 40 % of the factories have installed VOCs control devices and most of the devices are working in low efficiency.Therefore,VOCs could be reduced effectively by choosing suitable production process,improve production management and treatment technology.
出处 《广东化工》 CAS 2012年第5期347-348,350,共3页 Guangdong Chemical Industry
关键词 木质家具 现场调查 VOCS 排放现状 wood furniture field investigation VOCs emission pattern
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