目的 探讨特发性脊柱侧弯椎旁肌病理改变与脊柱畸形的因果关系。方法 对其术前、术后病人取标本进行组织化学及超微结构的研究。结果 术后Cobb′s角小于 5 0°的患者椎旁肌基本正常、双侧肌力平衡 ;而Cobb′s角仍大于 5 0°者椎旁肌病理改变与术前病人相似、双侧肌力不平衡 ,凸侧明显大于凹侧。结论 特发性脊柱侧弯椎旁肌病变是继发的 ,早期诊断、早期治疗有利于终止椎旁肌的继发性病理改变 。
Objective To study the relationship between pathological changes of paravetebral muscles and deformity of the spine in idiopathic scoliosis(IS).Methods Histochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the procured specimens of paravertebral muscles before and after the operation. Results In the patients of small Cobb′s angle(<50°),paravertebral muscles were basically normal giving a balanced myodynamics of convex and concave side.However in the patients of larger Cobb′s angle(>50°),although paravertebral muscles had no remarkable change,the myodynamics of the convex side was stronger than that of opposite side.Conclusion The change of paravertebral muscle in IS is a secondary in character.Early diagnosis and treatment of IS are benefit to avoid secondary pathological change of paravertebral muscles.
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology