

Foton Demonstrate All Luxury Series of Products at Auto China 2012
摘要 2012北京国际车展,坐镇主场的福田汽车以豪华阵容亮相。位于室外商用车展区最东侧的福田汽车与奔驰卡车毗邻而立,展台上方的"世界品牌,北京创造"8个大字既是福田汽车的参展主题,也是福田汽车的发展愿景。10大品牌18辆展车、数款发动机及新能源电池等产品的亮相。 With full preparation and confidence,Foton brought in a high-profile all luxury series of products to the Auto China 2012,including 18 vehicles of 10 brands and a few models of engine products and new alternative-energy battery products.This is Foton's show with the largest numbers of participating products,largest exhibition space and largest series ever in history.
作者 于占波
出处 《商用汽车》 2012年第9期32-33,共2页 Commercial Vehicle
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