
人的存在与价值教育 被引量:25

Study on the Existence of Human and Values Education
摘要 人作为价值性存在,经历着一个被价值塑造的过程。价值并非独立于人之外,而是内在于主体的人格、思想和行为;教育不仅是价值塑造人的首要方式,也是人追求和创造价值的有效途径。自现代以来,教育的价值本性随着价值基础的危机而渐趋流失,要遏制现代性价值危机、消解教育的现代性问题,必须还教育以价值本性,通过有意识、有目的的价值教育引领人的价值生存。 As a value being, the human experiences the process of values-shaping. Values are not independent of human, but exist in the personality, thought and behavior of the subject. Education is not only the major way of values-shaping, but also the effective approach of values-chasing and values-creating. Since modern times, the value nature of education has been drained up gradually along with the crisis of values basis, so education must return to its value nature and guide human's value subsistence by conscious and purposeful values education to suppress values crisis of modernity and solve modernistic problem of education.
作者 邱琳
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期42-47,共6页 Educational Research
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目“中英公立中小学价值教育比较研究”(项目编号:2011M501109)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 价值教育 人的存在 价值本性 values education, the existence of human, value nature
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