
批判性思维:多视角定义及其共识 被引量:28

Critical Thinking:Its Definition from Perspectives and Consensus
摘要 可以从不同学科视角和研究路向来定义批判性思维,这不仅不能被看作是该概念的界定混乱,反而应该理解为有益于认识批判性思维的多维性质。当然,也可以通过多种办法,比如概括共同因素方法、德尔菲方法、基准方法、家族相似方法和其他经验方法等,获得批判性思维定义的普遍共识。这些都有助于全面理解批判性思维,也能为推进我国的批判性思维研究和实践奠定一个良好的基础。 Critical thinking can be defined from different subject views and study routes, which can not be consid- ered as the chaotic definition of this conception but the multidimensional nature that is beneficial to understanding critical thinking. As it should be, the general consensus of the definition of critical thinking can be obtained through a variety of ways, for instance, general common factor approach,delphi method, base - line method, family resem- blance method, the empirical methods and so on. These contribute to understanding critical thinking comprehensive- ly and can lay a good foundation for advancing our research and practice on critical thinking.
作者 武宏志
机构地区 延安大学
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期5-14,共10页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2008年度重点课题"我国高校学生批判性思维能力的调查与对策"(DIA080122)
关键词 批判性思维 非形式逻辑 儿童哲学 德尔菲方法 家族相似 基准定义 critical thinking informal logic philosophy for children Delphi method the base - line definition family resemblance
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